Card number: 4035300539804083 Copy Icon
Name: Daniel Rodriguez
Address: Summit Avenue 56
Country: United States
Bank of America
CVV: 202
Exp: 06/2026
4029445184080345|06|2021|835|UNITED STATES|Jennifer|Davis|10 Yardley Drive|Medford|08055|6094720200|||Mozilla5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10105) AppleWebKit537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome56.0.2924.87 Safari537.36|||
So I see a lot of people getting their orders cancelled or not accepted, and I will provide some tips
First I want to tell you guys the most common reasons why it get's cancelled.
- Dead CC/IP BAN
- Wrong Billing
- Multiple tries
- Billing and Shipping
Those 4 are the most common issues...
What is Drop-address?
-When credit cards are stolen, they are often used quickly online before thecard can be reported as stolen. The people who are shopping online with a stolen credit card number must find an address that the goods can be delivered to that can not be traced back to a location...
5446122954250133|01|2022|579|CANADA|Ruchika|Gandho ke|9170 San Francisco Avenue|Brossard||J4X2N9|514-804-8678|[email protected]||Mozilla5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:47.0) Gecko20100101 Firefox47.0||||
Good day. I would like to tell you how to cheat SHOPS or other stores where they use PayPal.
To begin to briefly tell what the topic:
1) Interest is how it is possible to prepay via PayPal, that would cardholder neither of which has not come.
2) How to make people think shop, that you...