GraphQL Resolvers: Best Practices


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2019

This post is the first part of a series of best practices and observations we have made while building APIs at PayPal. In upcoming posts, we’ll share our thoughts on: schema design, error handling, production visibility, optimizing client-side integrations and tooling for teams.
You might have seen our previous post “ about PayPal’s journey from REST to GraphQL. This post dives into details some best practices for building resolvers that are fast, testable and resilient over time.
What’s a resolver?
Let’s start off at the same baseline. What’s a resolver?

Resolver definition
Every field on every type is backed by a function called a resolver.​
A resolver is a function that resolves a value for a type or field in a schema. Resolvers can return objects or scalars like Strings, Numbers, Booleans, etc. If an Object is returned, execution continues to the next child field. If a scalar is returned (typically at a leaf node), execution completes. If null is returned, execution halts and does not continue.
Resolvers can be asynchronous too! They can resolve values from another REST API, database, cache, constant, etc.
Later, we will walk through a series of examples illustrating how to build resolvers that are fast, testable and resilient.
Executing queries
To better understand resolvers, you need to know how queries are executed.
Every GraphQL query goes through three phases. Queries are parsed, validated and executed.
  1. Parse — A query is parsed into an (or AST). ASTs are incredibly powerful and behind tools like etc. If you want to see what a GraphQL AST looks like, check out and change JavaScript to GraphQL. You will see a query on the left and an AST on the right.
  2. Validate — The AST is validated against the schema. Checks for correct query syntax and if the fields exist.
  3. Execute — The runtime walks through the AST, starting from the root of the tree, invokes resolvers, collects up results, and emits JSON.
For this example, we’ll refer to this query:

Query for later reference
When this query is parsed, it’s converted to an AST, or a tree.

Query represented as a tree
The root Query type is the entry point to the tree and contains our two root fields, user and album. The user and album resolvers are executed in parallel(which is typical among all runtimes). The tree is executed breadth-first, meaning user must be resolved before its children name and email are executed. If the user resolver is asynchronous, the user branch delays until its resolved. Once all leaf nodes, name, email, title, are resolved, execution is complete.
Root Query fields, like user and album, are executed in parallel but in no particular order. Typically, fields are executed in the order they appear in the query, but it’s not safe to assume that. Because fields are executed in parallel, they are assumed to be atomic, idempotent, and side-effect free.
Looking closer at resolvers
In the next few sections, we will use JavaScript, but GraphQL servers can be written in almost any language.

Resolvers with four arguments — root, args, context, info
In some form or another, every resolver in every language receives these four arguments:
  • root — Result from the previous/parent type
  • args — Arguments provided to the field
  • context — a Mutable object that is provided to all resolvers
  • info — Field-specific information relevant to the query (used rarely)
These four arguments are core to understanding how data flows between resolvers.
Default resolvers
Before we continue, it’s worth noting that a GraphQL server has built-in default resolvers, so you don’t have to specify a resolver function for every field. A default resolver will look in root to find a property with the same name as the field. An implementation likely looks like this:

Default resolver implementationFetching data in resolvers
Where should we fetch data? What are the tradeoffs with our options?
In the next few examples, we will refer back to this schema:

An event field has a required id argument, returns an EventPassing data between resolvers
context is a mutable Object that is provided to all resolvers. It’s created and destroyed between every request. It is a great place to store common Auth data, common models/fetchers for APIs and databases, etc. At PayPal, we’re a big Node.js shop w/ infrastructure built on , so we store Express’ req in there.
When you first learn about context, an initial thought might be to use contextas a general purpose cache. This is not recommended, but here is what an implementation might look like.

Passing data between resolvers using context. This is not recommended!
When title is invoked, we store the event result in context. When photoUrl is invoked, we pull event out of context and use it. This code isn’t reliable. There’s no guarantee that title will be executed before photoUrl.
We could fix up both resolvers to check if the event exists in context. If so, use it. Otherwise, we fetch it and store it for later, but there’s still a large surface area for mistakes.
Instead, we should avoid mutating context inside of resolvers. We should prevent knowledge and concerns from mixing between each other, so that our resolvers are easy to understand, debug, and test.
Passing data from parent-to-child
The root argument is for passing data from parent resolvers to child resolvers.
For example, if you are building an Event type where all fields of Event
depend on the same data, you might want to fetch it once at the event field,
rather than at every field of Event.
Seems like a good idea, right? This is a quick way to get started with building resolvers but you might run into some problems. Let’s understand why.
For the examples below, we’ll work with an Event type that has two fields.

Event type with two fields: title and photoUrl
Most of the fields for Event can be fetched from an Event API, so we can fetch it at the top-level event resolver and provide the results to our title and photoUrl resolvers.

Top-level event resolver fetches data, provides results to title and photoUrl field resolvers
Even better, we don’t need to specify the bottom two resolvers.
We can use the default resolvers because the Object returned by getEvent()
has a title and photoUrl property.

id and title are resolved using default resolvers
What’s wrong with this?
There are two scenarios where you might run into overfetching…
Scenario #1: Multi-layered data fetching
Let’s say some requirements come in and you need to display an event’s attendees. We start by adding an attendees field to Event.

Event type with an additional attendees field
When you fetch the attendees details, you have two options: fetch that data at the event resolver, or attendees resolver.
We will test out the first option: adding it to the event resolver.

event resolver calls two APIs, fetching event details and attendees details
If a client queries for only title and photoUrl, but not attendees.Now you’re being inefficient and making an unnecessary request to your Attendees API.
It’s not your fault, this is how we work. We recognize patterns and copy them.
If contributors see that data fetching is done in the event resolver, they’ll likely
add any additional data fetching there without thinking too hard about it.
We have one more option to test with fetching the attendees inside of the attendees resolver.


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